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2.3. Lycopene estimationThe standard method of estimation of lycopene is spectrophotometric(Davis, 1949). The absorbance of lycopeneextracted in petroleum ether (40 ml) was noted at three differentwavelengths, viz. 445, 472, 502. The absorbance atmaximum wavelength (k max) of 472 nm for lycopene... 顯示更多 2.3. Lycopene estimation The standard method of estimation of lycopene is spectrophotometric (Davis, 1949). The absorbance of lycopene extracted in petroleum ether (40 ml) was noted at three different wavelengths, viz. 445, 472, 502. The absorbance at maximum wavelength (k max) of 472 nm for lycopene in petroleum ether was considered. The amount of lycopene (mg) was calculated by a specific extinction coefficient (E1% 1 cm ? 3450 in petroleum ether). LycopeneemgT ? A dil ml 10 E1% 1 cm where A, absorbance of the solution in 1 cm cuvette, dil, dilution factor, ml, total ml of the sample E1% 1 cm, specific extinction coefficient for lycopene in petroleum ether is 3450.
2.3. 番茄紅素估計番茄紅素的估計標準方法是分光譜測量的(迪維斯1949) 。番茄紅素absorbance 被提取在石油醚(40 機器語言裡) 是著名在三個不同波長, 即。445, 472, 502 。absorbance 在最大波長(k 最大) 472 毫微米為番茄紅素在石油醚裡被考慮了。數量番茄紅素(鎂) 由一個具體絕種系數(E1% 計算了1 cm . 3450 在石油醚裡) 。Lycopene□□. A 稀釋機器語言10 E1% 1 cm A, 解答的absorbance 在1 支cm 小試管裡, 稀釋, 稀釋因素, 機器語言, 樣品E1% 的總機器語言1 cm, 具體絕種系數為番茄紅素在石油醚裡是3450 的地方。
2.3 茄紅素含量估算 茄紅素含量估算的標準方法是分光光度法(Davis,1949) 以石油醚(40 毫升) 抽取茄紅素, 有三個不同吸收波,分別是445, 472, 502 茄紅素在石油醚裡最大的吸收波(K max )是在 472 茄紅素的含量(毫克) 計算要代入特定的消光係數值 (E1% 1 公分 3450 石油醚) 茄紅素毫克 A 稀釋毫升數 10 E 1% 1 公分 這裡的A,指溶液在1公分管裡的吸收波值 吸釋因素值,毫升,樣品總毫升數 E 1% 1 公分, 茄紅素在石油醚裡特定的消光係數值為 3450 PS.感覺在原文copy時有些不完整8758B59A7FA1EEA7