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誰可以簡單的幫我介紹摩洛哥 英文的唷!! 謝謝~ 更新: 國名:摩洛哥王國(The Kingdom of Morocco,Le Royaume du Maroc) 摩洛哥位於北非最西側,北鄰地中海,從西班牙搭船只需要一個小時的航程就可抵達。 獨立日:3月2日(1956年) 國慶日:3月3日(1961年) 國旗:呈長方形,長與寬之比為3:2。旗地為紅色,中央有一顆由五根綠色線條交叉組成的五角星。紅色來自摩洛哥古國早期國旗的顏色。綠色五角星有兩種解釋:一、綠色是穆罕默德後代所喜歡的顏色,五角星象徵人民對伊斯蘭教的信仰;二、這一圖案是驅病避邪的所羅門護符。 更新 2: 國石:珊瑚 首都:拉巴特(Rabat);人口:65.9萬人(2000年)。 經濟:農牧業是摩洛哥經濟的重要支柱。
The Kingdom of Morocco is a country in North Africa with a population of nearly 32 million and an area just under 447,000 square kilometres. It's capital is Rabat, with a population of 659 thousand, and its largest city is Casablanca. Morocco has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Algeria to the east, Spain to the north, and Western Sahara to the south. Location: The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the western end of North Africa. It is bounded to the north by the Mediterranean Sea, an hour of voyage from Spain. Independence day: 2 March, 1956 National day: 3 March National flag: In a proportion of 2:3, the flag of Morocco is made of a red field with a black-bordered green interwoven star. From the 17th century on, when Morocco was ruled by the Alaouite Dynasty, the flags of the country were plain red. Natioinal jewel: Coral Economy: The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture and livestock industry.