外置Harddisk 好選擇? (20點)
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最近我想買一個 80 GB 的外置2.5吋 Harddisk、不用另外插電。有甚麼好介紹? thx
FYI, 2.5 inches notebook harddisk 80GB pricing $4xx without case. And the USB 2.0 external case for 2.5 inches harddisk is around $50. Some cases have password setting to protect data, around $100. Below is the 80GB 2.5 inches harddisk pricing from different make. Hitachi HTS548080 80GB, 5400rpm, UDMA100, ............ $435 Fujitsu MHT2080BH 80GB, 5400rpm, SATA, ....................$470 Samsung MP0804H 80GB, 5400rpm, UDMA100,..............$445 Seagate ST980815A 80GB, 5400rpm, SATA,..................$440 Recommend Seagate harddisk. Good price/performance and reliable. Ready-to-use with case already, choices are: a) LaCie Brick mobile 80GB but expensive $830 b) Buffalo HD-PHS80U2/UC price okay at $670 Price reference : www.hkgolden.com
這個外置USB硬磔, 可以隋身攜帶, 而且每M價錢比Flash Ram平宜, 不用外置牛等等好處。 希望能幫到你!960E6207E048F01D