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Wireless Router
I am now using a cable router for 2 desktop PC & want to buy a wirelessrouter for my IPad2 & netbook. Questions :-1. Is that I just pug in the wireless router into the calbe router & then I can use the 2 PC , IPad & netbook in the same tiem or2. Change the position , pug in the cable router into... 顯示更多 I am now using a cable router for 2 desktop PC & want to buy a wireless router for my IPad2 & netbook. Questions :- 1. Is that I just pug in the wireless router into the calbe router & then I can use the 2 PC , IPad & netbook in the same tiem or 2. Change the position , pug in the cable router into the wireless router or 3. Do not use the calbe router & all 4 use the wireless router 4.If all 4 use wireless router, what other things I have to buy 5.Will the speed be slow if I use 4 in the same time 6. Area of my home is about 520 ft. What kind of brand name & model No. should I buy. What is the price. 7. My purpose is to get WiFi for my IPad & netbook, what is the simplest way to do 更新: There was typing error in questioin 1 & 2, , it should be plug in instead of pug in. Thanks Liar-bush911 to point out my error instead of answering my question.
Just refer to the below guidance to set-up a Wifi platform. if you can't read Chinese, you may pm me for interpretation. 只要裝一隻 WIFI ROUTER + WIFI 接收器 (Wifi 手指 或 Wireless LAN卡)...無線制式:802.11b/g/n無線速度:150/300/450Mbps 想傳輸速度快, 穩定和覆蓋範圍廣.. TL-WR1043ND $435 TL-WR941ND $280 WHR-HP-G300N $299 TL-WR841ND $199 一般個人/家庭使用兩三百元的 Router 便可以, 最好配有3條天線的, 可增加覆蓋範圍和傳輸能力. 各大腦場有售. Wifi Router + 寬頻網線 = 有 Wifi 訊號 ; 電腦 + Wireless Lan 或 USB 手指 Adapter ; 或 已內建 Wifi 裝置的設備 = 接收/使用 Wifi 訊號. 3.+4. 安裝:如以下圖一, 有兩個顏色的, 總共5個插頭位, 藍色(1個埠)是 WAN 埠, 連接 "網絡供應商的(ISP) MODEM" 黃色(4個埠)是可用寛頻線與電腦連接上網, 並且可根據Manual一步一步設定無線上網的模式以及安全系統設定(因各牌子的設定介面都不同), 之後便可提供有Wifi裝置的配件"一齊"使用(圖二), 包括電腦, 手提電話/電腦, 網絡遊戲機, 多媒體播放器, iPOD/iTOUCH/iPAD...等等..WiFI接收器多數是 Wifi 手指, 只是插入電腦 USB, Wireless Lan 是需要安裝在底板內, 並且安裝附送的軟件/Driver, 然後與 Wifi Router 連線. 價格丶型號丶商號可參考以下... http://www.price.com.hk/category.php?c=100020&sort=4 圖片參考:http://www.everbesthk.com/1-home/highlight/0211-14sep09/tplink_wr1043nd_3.jpg
1. Is that I just pug in the wireless router into the calbe ( cable ) router & then I can usethe 2 PC , IPad & netbook in the same tiem ( item )or Poor English, but use english asking !!!!!! 2012-02-21 14:07:55 補充: Chineses English girl !!!8758B59A7FA1EEA7