請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁
請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁畫 請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁畫
在舊金山灣區有四個地方可以看到Diego Rivera Murals 壁畫. 1. The Allegory of California San Francisco City Club (formerly the Stock Exchange) 310 Pine Street The mural can be viewed during a monthly tour organized by the Mexican Museum. Call 415 441 0404 or go to www.cityclubsf.com. 2. Pan-American Unity Diego Rivera Theater, City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Avenue 電話 415 239 3100 or go to www.riveramural.org. 3. Still Life with Blossoming Almond Trees Stern Hall, University of California, Berkeley campus 電話 510 642 1676. 4.San Francisco Art Institute The Diego Rivera Mural at San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco Art Institute (Main Campus) 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco 94133 (between Jones and Leavenworth) 電話415.771.7020 http://www.sfai.edu/page.aspx?page=34 以上四個地方均有電話或網址, 你可以查詢.
請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁
請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁畫 請問在舊金山哪幾個地方可議看到Diego Rivera 的壁畫
在舊金山灣區有四個地方可以看到Diego Rivera Murals 壁畫. 1. The Allegory of California San Francisco City Club (formerly the Stock Exchange) 310 Pine Street The mural can be viewed during a monthly tour organized by the Mexican Museum. Call 415 441 0404 or go to www.cityclubsf.com. 2. Pan-American Unity Diego Rivera Theater, City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Avenue 電話 415 239 3100 or go to www.riveramural.org. 3. Still Life with Blossoming Almond Trees Stern Hall, University of California, Berkeley campus 電話 510 642 1676. 4.San Francisco Art Institute The Diego Rivera Mural at San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco Art Institute (Main Campus) 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco 94133 (between Jones and Leavenworth) 電話415.771.7020 http://www.sfai.edu/page.aspx?page=34 以上四個地方均有電話或網址, 你可以查詢.
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