


這是外國文章的網址:http://www.oph.fi/english/pageLast.asp?path=447,488,50001在他的最後有參考資料Further information:- Luokattoman lukion toimivuus (Functionality of non-graded upper secondary schools): Jorma Kauppinen Senior Advisor, Finnish National Board of Education, tel. +358 9 7747 7264 - Lukioiden taloudellisuus... 顯示更多 這是外國文章的網址: http://www.oph.fi/english/pageLast.asp?path=447,488,50001 在他的最後有參考資料 Further information: - Luokattoman lukion toimivuus (Functionality of non-graded upper secondary schools): Jorma Kauppinen Senior Advisor, Finnish National Board of Education, tel. +358 9 7747 7264 - Lukioiden taloudellisuus (Economy of upper secondary schools):Tanja Kirjavainen Researcher, Government Institute for Economic Research, tel. +358 9 703 2986 我想寫信跟他們要更多的資訊....要怎麼寫呢? 謝謝~~ 更新: 嗯...不好意思說的不請楚... 我是想跟參考資料裡的這兩的研究員要他們研究的相關資料..... 更新 2: 嗯...希望能跟兩位研究員分別要 1. Functionality of non-graded upper secondary schools 這篇文章的原文資料 2. Economy of upper secondary schools 的原文資料 3. 以及有關於荷蘭Non-graded upper secondary school (不分級制的高中) 的施行方式(計畫)與實驗成果的資料




不大明白你的問題: 你是要跟他拿什麽資料啊?是他的原文論文,還是他的參考資料? 如果是他的參考資料的話,那他列出來的只是學校和研究員的個人聯絡方式而已。 可是你到底是想要什麽呢? 2006-03-17 11:19:16 補充: 試試看這樣寫吧:Dear Sir/ madam,My name is XXX, live in Taiwan. I'm a student majored in Education Program.(先大概地作一下自我介紹,表明你的身份和背景。)Recently I am doing a research project on "upper secondary schools", and have found a very helpful article titled "Non-graded upper secondary school works well" on the Internet.(http://www.oph.fi/english/pageLast.asp?path=447,488,50001)I am very interested in the research work referenced in the said article. I'd like to read further about your work of "Functionality of non-graded upper secondary schools", and "Economy of upper secondary schools". Is that possible that I can acquire a copy of it? I'm not sure about copyright issues on these reports. However, if you can inform me how I can obtain access of this artile it will be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, could you please kindly enough provide me more information about the actual state of Non-graded upper secondary school in Holland, sucha as how they bring this study into practice and other study results.Thank you very much for your time and help, and I'm looking forward to hearing back from you. My Email Address is xxxxxxx, and mailing address is xxxxxxxxxxx.Sincerely YoursXXXMarch, 20, 2006紅色劃線部分清根據你的實際情況和寫信的對象進行適當的置換和修改。如果是郵寄信件的話,落款処第二行空白処請手寫簽名。如果是 email 的話,簽名可省略,或加入你的電子簽名。XXX 処請打印你的姓名。另外,不要清楚地在信中註明你的國際郵寄地址、email 信箱和聯絡方式。(很好奇你要怎樣寫信給那兩位研究員?也許你要先寫信給那個網站,與文章的作者先取得聯係。乾脆這封信就直接寫給他好了。)


需要英文論文編修的同伴們 歡迎光臨柯泰德的網站 http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw 有空多來參觀,看是否符合需求|||||謝謝兩位回答者^^ 感激不盡~~~ sorry...時間到期時,無法上網選最佳的答案~~~ 非常感謝"候選編號 002" 的回答者...非常的詳盡~~~謝謝~~~ 2006-03-20 10:40:31 補充: Thanks a lot~~|||||什麼研究相關資料?test result or detail of research method? 我想你用中文把你想要的寫下,我們會比較瞭解你要什麼。|||||自己沒寫過﹐不過我想這樣應該可以吧.... 參考看看吧... Dear 想要求資訊的作者姓名, I am doing a research project on 主題. I have recently read 你讀過文章的名字 by 文章的作者 and am impressed by your research work referenced in the paper. If you could please provide further information regarding your research, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and assistance, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, 自己的名字8758B59A7FA1EEA7

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